Strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions.
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Mixing Streams and Batches: A Practical Approach for Legacy Upgrades
Check out how Benjamin modernizes legacy batch systems using Kafka Streams and Spring Batch. Bridge the gap between event-driven and file-based processing!
Read moreA day in the life of a Solution Architect
Meet Kris, our Solution Architect. Read on to find out more about what his day is like at Cymo!
5 pitfalls to avoid when implementing an Event-Driven Architecture
At Cymo, we have helped several customers to overcome these challenges and we have identified many pitfalls along the way. In this blog we list what we think are the 5 most important ones:
iText DITO: How We've Build a Document Generation Tool for mateco
A day in the life of a Google Cloud Engineer
Meet Pieter, our Google Cloud Engineer. Read on to find out more about what his day is like at Cymo!
The death of BI
It’s obvious by now that everyone is struggling to gain insight into data. Can the issues be solved with a new form of business intelligence (BI)? Or is BI doomed?
A day in the life of a Software Developer
Meet Bryan, our Software Developer. Read on to find out more about what his day is like at Cymo!
What is Event-Driven Architecture (EDA)?
Our founders have shared a passion for designing and implementing event-driven architecture (EDA) throughout their careers as cloud & solution architects.
Introducing Cymo
We’d like to introduce Cymo: a new start-up founded by Wim Debreuck, Kris Van Vlaenderen and Bryan De Smaele.